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More Information

If you could use some help on a writing or marketing project, please call, complete the form on this page or email and I'd be happy to discuss your project with you.

Mike Shapiro
Marketing Writing Services
718-624-0736 (8 am- 7 pm EST)


Please provide me with more information:

Please fill in the fields below, and provide as much information as you can.

* = Indicates required fields.

Your Name:*
Your Title:
Company Name:
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E-mail Address:*
Web Site:
Type of Business:
Product or Service:
Your Question:*


Briefly describe your project:
Approximate Length: (# pages? # Words)
Who is your target audience?
What is the main selling point?
What are other selling points?
Best time/telephone
number to call you back:

Mike Shapiro
Marketing Writer
2 Grace Court
Brooklyn, NY 11201